Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo

Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo

Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo - Become the greatest player in blackjackSuper Blackjack Battle I2 Turbo edition presents a list of 12 very different characters who compete with each other to become the greatest players of all time. Following the invitatioHeist Stakesn of the owner of the largest casino in Las Vegas and the Godfather from the most influential family criminal family, each character will face other participants at the card table. Only the best of them will fly to Las Vegas to challenge the Godfather himself in the final match, not knowing that the touament itself is just a charade to hide the ruthless plan for destroying a competing family.

Android OS
Open GL
Free Space
67.41 MB
Android TV
Gamepad Support
English language
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